Month: May 2020

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Airbnb Cleaning Fee – How Much Should You Charge?

Airbnb Cleaning Fee – How Much Should You Charge?

Individuals considering becoming Airbnb hosts probably think of the glamorous side of the industry, such as the money they will make and the beautiful spaces they can create for their guests. However, one of the least glamorous sides may actually be the most important. A clean space will feel welcoming and safe to guests and...

How to Get the Smell of Smoke Out of the House

How to Get the Smell of Smoke Out of the House

A number of smells seem to linger, but one of the worst offenders is smoke. Walking into a home where someone has smoked is unmistakable. The smell seems to bind to clothing and other belongings, including soft furnishings and even the walls. Since smoke smells emanate from all of these items, it’s hard to get...